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In White Folks News: Freaky Flick Star Details “Traumatic” Rough Smash Session She Had With Josh Duggar

Porn Star Details Sexual Encounter With Josh Duggar A porn star and stripper revealed that self-admitted hypocrite ans sister-molester Josh Duggar used her to chea on his wife Anna while she was at home pregnant with their fourth child. Not only did he drop hundreds on her for pervy private dances in a Connecticut nightclub, he paid her another $1.5k for an evening in the sheets with her…which she says got violent and weird very quickly… Via InTouch Weekly : “He walked into the Gold Club like a normal patron and said he’d been a fan for a long time and has watched my career grow — he even said from before my boob job until recently — and that he loved watching my very first scene on [an adult website],” she tells In Touch. “Then it got creepy.” After watching her show and “eyeballing me,” Danica says he bought $600 in private dances and then “asked me how would he be able to spend the evening with me.” She reveals to In Touch that Josh was violent with her when they had sex, he did not use protection and gave her thousands of dollars after their encounters. Danica admits she “took the opportunity because Josh offered to gift [her] $1,500.” But soon after Josh arrived at her hotel room, things got rough. “He was manhandling me, basically tossing me around like I was a rag doll,” Danica, whose real name is Ashley Lewis, and although the sex was consensual, “It was very traumatic. I’ve had rough sex before, but this was terrifying.” Hmmm. That Duggar family repression REALLY affected this Josh character. At least he’s in rehab now …but jeez. What could he have been doing in the bedroom that would rattle a porn star like that?!

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In White Folks News: Freaky Flick Star Details “Traumatic” Rough Smash Session She Had With Josh Duggar