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Do You Know Detroit? – The Gateway to Freedom

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In celebration of Black History Month 2018, Radio One Detroit is highlighting Detroit landmarks that have had an impact on black history! Source: iOne Digital / iOne Digital The Gateway to Freedom Source: Raymond Boyd / Getty Detroit has played a major role in the history of African Americans. As one of the major stops on the Underground Railroad, Detroit became a stepping stone for many. The Gateway to Freedom International Memorial to the Underground Railroad is located in Detroit’s Hart Plaza. The monument was sculpted by Edward Dwight and dedicated on October 20, 2001. The monument faces the Detroit River and Canada. Dwight also created a companion to this piece named the Tower of Freedom, which sits in the Civic Esplande in Windsor, Ontario. Both memorials honor the tenacity and fight of African Americans to gain their independence. There are not many websites for information on this historical memorial. However, taking a trip down to Hart Plaza can give you a greater understanding of its history and significance.

Do You Know Detroit? – The Gateway to Freedom