Tag Archives: diagnosing-him

Katie Price Calls Crowd "C–ts," Ruins Gay Wedding

Katie Price, a.k.a. Jordan, is being accused of ruining the gay wedding she attended over the weekend by unleashing a four-letter rant on stage

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Katie Price Calls Crowd "C–ts," Ruins Gay Wedding

Source: Lindsay Lohan is "Listening," Back Together with Samantha Ronson

Stop us if you’ve heard this before: Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson are back together! On August 7, Star Magazine reports that the roller coaster couple celebrated Ronson’s birthday in Chicago. They were joined by Ali Lohan , Sam’s half-sister Annabelle Dexter-Jones, and four friends for dinner at Hub 51

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Source: Lindsay Lohan is "Listening," Back Together with Samantha Ronson

Joey Buttafuoco to Sue Mary Jo For Defamation

Only in America can you have an affair with an underage girl who proceeds to shoot your wife in the face, then sue your ex-wife for defamation of character after she divorces you and publishes a book calling you a sociopath. That’s precisely what Joey Buttafuoco is doing, more than a decade and a half after mistress Amy Fisher put a bullet in his wife Mary Jo Buttafuoco’s skull.

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Joey Buttafuoco to Sue Mary Jo For Defamation