Tag Archives: diamond-circle

Wow, I never thought I would be writing a Bieber Experience! My…

Wow, I never thought I would be writing a Bieber Experience! My name is Dilan and I’m a 14 year old belieber from Germany. I had never seen Justin live until this year, even though I’ve been a belieber for more than 4 years. M y mum bought a ticket for the Diamond Circle (the section right in front of the stage) in Dortmund for 5th April. I was so excited because I knew I was going to see him live for the first time! The time went by and I saw that all my friends had tickets for the show in Cologne, which was going to be one day after the concert in Dortmund. I seriously BEGGED my mum to buy one more ticket for that show, it didn’t matter what section, I just wanted to be there. And guess what? She bought another Diamond Circle ticket for the show in Cologne! There were a lot of M&G competitions in Germany and I joined every single one of them, but didn’t win. I was sad and disappointed because people who already met him like 10 times won instead of people who never met him but I accepted the fact and was happy for everyone who won!  The day before the concert in Dortmund, I decided to buy an extra huge bra to throw it on stage. I wrote “I LOVE YOU” and “PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @biebtiful” on it. The concert was the next day. I already went to the arena at 10 a.m. because I paid so much for the ticket and I wanted to make sure I’d be front row. My friend and I were the 86th and 87th people in front of the arena. The worst thing about the waiting was that it was cold outside, we were all freezing, but the best thing about it was that I met friends who I never met in real life before. It’s crazy how one person can connect so many people all around the world. Fi nally, we got into the arena and I was front row, right in front of the catwalk! As you might know, the Diamond Circle doesn’t have seats. After the opening act we waited, and waited, and waited. While waiting, I got a text message from my friend who was at the concert too but in the section behind me saying “Dilan, look at me.” I looked at her and she told me to go to the side with her, so I did. When I went to her, she asked me if I had a ticket to the show the next day and I told her yes. She said “Congratulations, honey. You’re meeting him tomorrow!” I didn’t know what to say. I was speechless. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t do anything. Never in my life there was anyone who did such a nice thing for me. I didn’t know how to thank her. I hugged her again, after thanking her I went back to my seat. The countdown started. The feeling when everyone counted down from “10 to 0” was amazing. When the dancers came out, I was the only one screaming their names. No one knew who they were. Jon Boogie was standing right in front of me during the entrance. I screamed the hell out of me “JOOOON! JONNNN! JOOONN FREAKING BOOGIE!!!” then he finally looked at me for like 10 seconds and winked! I died. Justin came down with the wings. It was the best part. It’s a feeling you can’t describe. You suddenly forget all your problems. When he started singing, “U Got It Bad” I wanted to get my camera out of my bag to film it, but then I saw the bra. I took it and waited until he came to the front of the catwalk and then threw it on the stage. Justin looked at it but didn’t do anything at first, then tried to kick it off the stage but it didn’t fall down. It was still on the stage, but he looked like he didn’t care. He went on that flying thing to sing “Be Alright” and “Fall” and the bra was still on the stage. He came down and looked at the bra again, then tried to kick it off the stage again, but it stuck on his shoe for like 5 seconds, I laughed so hard! The next day, I went to the arena a bit later because I was going to meet him. We went in the M&G line and the security told us all the rules. I was so focused that I didn’t even notice Kenny who went by. Someone shouted, “KENNY OH MY GOD” and everyone started to freak out! Of course he gave us that big Kenny smile, and then we had to calm down again. Dan also came out and I freaked out even more! Dan wanted to take pictures with every single one of us, he’s so nice guys, he’s one of the nicest of the crew! The line kept moving on, my group was one of the last ones. I saw all the crying girls coming out of the room, I was so hyped!Then, I finally stood in front of the black curtain. When the group in front of us went in, I already saw Justin’s snapback. I hardly breathed. The security guard was like, “Now it’s your turn.” I went in and there he was. He was wearing a grey hoodie, just like me. I literally ran to his side because I wanted to stand next to him in the picture. I said, “Oh my God, hi!?” He smiled and said, “Hello sweetie!” I WAS ABOUT TO FAINT! JUSTIN BIEBER CALLED ME SWEETIE! I asked him for a hug and he said “Of course! Quick, before we take the picture.” We took the picture and the security pushed us all out. I broke down to knees and just cried. Then about 2 months after the concert, I went on Justin’s Instagram and saw him posting a picture of the concert in Dortmund which was taken from the EXACT SAME POSITION where I was standing! I refreshed his account and saw a picture of a bra on stage. I opened it and guess what? It was the bra I threw on stage in Dortmund! I was shaking so hard, I freaked out! All in all, it was a fantastic experience. It was all worth it, the money, the waiting, just everything. He’s so talented, he has such an amazing voice and his performances are pure perfection. I’ve never seen so many people smiling at the same time as at the concerts! I’m so grateful that I got to experience two concerts and one M&G. I almost gave up on trying to meet him but thank God I didn’t. “Believe” and “Never Say Never” is true guys. Thank you for everything, Justin. I’ll never stop supporting you. -Dilan (@biebtiful) Originally posted here: Wow, I never thought I would be writing a Bieber Experience! My…

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Wow, I never thought I would be writing a Bieber Experience! My…