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Close Enough! BET Wishes The Men Of Omega Psi Phi A ‘Happy Founders Day’ By Using A Picture Of Random People

Harpo who these people ???? BET Flubs Omega Psi Phi Founders Day Post Today as Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. celebrates 103 years of service, a certain television network tried to join in on the occasion by wishing them a Happy Founders Day. BET recently posted the below photo on Instagram of the black fraternity’s founders… unfortunately for them however, people quickly realized that the SIX men in question were not the organization’s FOUR pioneers and BET got blasted for the flub. Essentially. RT @Beasly151 : So BET just posted some dudes in suits and said they were founders of Omega Psi Phi?!?! — Storm Thorgerson (@QUEcified) November 17, 2014 BET just pulled a random black and white picture of some old ninjas and wished Omega Psi Phi a happy founders day. Im inconsolable — TONE (@ARAIN1019) November 17, 2014 Poor thangs! What do YOU think about BET’s flubbed Founders Day message to the men of Omega Psi Phi???

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Close Enough! BET Wishes The Men Of Omega Psi Phi A ‘Happy Founders Day’ By Using A Picture Of Random People