Tag Archives: different-men

Gemma Arterton in DT Spain of the Day

Gemma Arterton is a babe…..she’s in the new Henzel and Gretel movie that is apparently changes lives according to the people who are behind the movie….while no one else I know has seen or cares about its existence…but they should cuz this Gemma girl and more importantly her awesome tits….are gonna be in it…and that is usually enough to motivate you to stream the shit for free…cuz this is the internet motherfuckers and I am the only asshole who still pays for movie…but I only do that cuz I rob my wife for the money…and I figure it’s more fun to pull a peewee in public than on my computer that I’m on all day anyway…..

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Gemma Arterton in DT Spain of the Day

Courtney Stodden’s Bikini Action of the Day

I am really not interested in Courtney Stodden, her stripper publicity stunt, pretending to be an underage bride with the most insignificant celebrity ever, just to get her foot in the door, it’s just nonsense noise and we’re too busy for that shit…but I’m torn…cuz she’s in a bikini…and staged, crying for attention or not, does it really make any difference at all, cuz you know, she’s still in a bikini and that’s all that matters…cuz her body is rockin’ even if the rest of her is gutter trash…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Courtney Stodden’s Bikini Action of the Day

Some Rihanna Rolling Stone Pics of the Day

You know why it’s ok for Rihanna to be a broken girl…because she’s ridiculously fucking rich and famous..and rich and famous people don’t have problems…and even if they do…they don’t matter…cuz they are rich and famous and can buy themselves happiness…and even if she’s just totally fucking broken, which I don’t think she really is….cuz she’s smiling and having fun with things, even with her abusers….it just doesn’t make a difference for her…or her life…she’s set…has nothing to prove..and nothing to worry about…and I like watching her….she’s doing way better than all the girls in her high school who are fat, have 5 kids with different men who probably beat them and no one writes articles about it….and who make beds all day at rich people resorts…. You see…it’s hard to take anything seriously…but it’s easy to stare at tits….

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Some Rihanna Rolling Stone Pics of the Day