Tag Archives: diverse-range

Charlotte McKinney Ass Flash of the Day

Charlotte McKinney known for her tits, and I use the word “known” pretty fucking lightly, since she’s a virtual nobody who got on TV like she was a somebody, because I guess she met the right guy with the right connections at some Florida club one night, who probably promised to get her on TV, hoping to get laid, and she called him out on it…forcing him to figure out a way to market her as more than tits that at the time were barely known on instagram.. She’s got the face of a Florida Hooters girl who has seen one too many bad sun burns, she’s got a good enough body, and tits in America still get you work, but like a comedic actress, without being a comedic actress, she wants you to see she’s got more diverse range than just her one trick tits…she’s also got an ass. Fascinating… The post Charlotte McKinney Ass Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Charlotte McKinney Ass Flash of the Day