Tag Archives: doctor-murray

Dr. Conrad Murray Points Finger at Other Michael Jackson Doctors

In an interview just after Michael Jackson died, Dr. Conrad Murray told police he had no clue what medications the star had been prescribed by other physicians. Murray also says Jackson never told him he was seeing other doctors – a clue as to how he may present a defense at his ongoing involuntary manslaughter trial. Two days after Jackson’s death, Murray cited Dr. Arnold Klein , a longtime friend of Michael, as a doctor who regularly prescribed MJ drugs behind Murray’s back. Murray, by his own admission, knew this was going on. But to what degree? According to Murray, MJ’s production team complained about the singer’s visits to Klein – insisting Michael’s worst days on set were after he had seen Klein. Those worst days, Dr. Conrad Murray claims, were three times a week. During the taped interview , Murray told police, “When [he] came back [from Klein’s office], he was basically wasted and required 24 hours for recovery.” Murray also claims he saw evidence of doctor-shopping by Jackson – a smattering of prescription pill bottles by his bedside, bearing other doctors’ names. Michael never spoke about it, Murray says. Whether that matters to a jury is unclear, but Murray is trying to say he didn’t know how bad MJ’s condition was. Judge Michael Pastor has already ruled that Klein cannot testify . [Photo: WENN.com]

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Dr. Conrad Murray Points Finger at Other Michael Jackson Doctors