Sasha Luss, born in 1989, making her a little older than you’d want her to be, since you’re a pervert, is a pretty established model.. She was NAKED IN ONE OF THESE PICS …now she’s doing corporate work for Dior, which is probably paying her a lot of fucking money, meaning showing her tits helped her break through, because everyone, not just pervert dudes, knows naked models, are the best models, even the fashion industry…. The campaign was shot by Ryan McGinley, who you may or may not know, but who has been taking amazing fucking pics for the last decade or two…including for VICE magazine back when they weren’t corporate shit, and were producing quality, interesting editorials that didn’t’ feel like an Urban Outfitters campaign mocking the culture, but rather documentarians documenting it… Well I guess, like Terry he’s gone onto millionaire status…and these pics, despite being a little boring, are still implied nudity for a major brand and that’s always amazing for the pervert in me who used to only get my nudity at peep shows gay guys were jerking off in….
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Sasha Luss Topless for Dior of the Day