Tag Archives: does-it-permit

Elk Jumps on Trampoline, Friends Grow Jealous

An elk jumps on a trampoline in the following video. Is there anything else you need to know in order to watch? We didn’t think so… Elk Jumps on a Trampoline! Okay, some background: The video was filmed by a guy named Greg Chase in Evergreen, Colorado – and, incredibly, this is his family’s backyard! He posted the video on Facebook and wrote that he and his wife were simply sitting down for a morning cup of coffee when this hilarious situation ensued. It’s a far more welcome animal invasion than the one experienced by a woman this month in England, as she was attacked by deadly spiders that hatched from her banana .

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Elk Jumps on Trampoline, Friends Grow Jealous

Elk Jumps on Trampoline, Friends Grow Jealous

An elk jumps on a trampoline in the following video. Is there anything else you need to know in order to watch? We didn’t think so… Elk Jumps on a Trampoline! Okay, some background: The video was filmed by a guy named Greg Chase in Evergreen, Colorado – and, incredibly, this is his family’s backyard! He posted the video on Facebook and wrote that he and his wife were simply sitting down for a morning cup of coffee when this hilarious situation ensued. It’s a far more welcome animal invasion than the one experienced by a woman this month in England, as she was attacked by deadly spiders that hatched from her banana .

Here is the original post:
Elk Jumps on Trampoline, Friends Grow Jealous

Portland, Maine, Legalizes Recreational Marijuana By Overwhelming Majority

Portland, Maine, voters approved legalizing recreational marijuana for residents 21 and older. The measure passed with around 70 percent support Tuesday. As such, Portland becomes the East Coast city to legalize pot . Portland, Maine, Legalizes Marijuana Adult residents may now possess up to 2.5 ounces of weed. The measure does not permit the recreational purchase or sale of marijuana, nor does it permit its use in public spaces like parks. But other than that? Legal. “Most Portlanders, like most Americans, are fed up with our nation’s failed marijuana prohibition laws,” said David Boyer of the Marijuana Policy Project. “We applaud the voters of Portland for adopting a smarter marijuana policy, and we look forward to working with city officials to ensure it is implemented.” On an election day that saw Bill de Blasio elected NYC Mayor and Chris Christie re-elected Governor of New Jersey, this issue was also closely watched. Medical marijuana is already legal in Maine, and the Portland referendum is seen as largely symbolic, as it does not override state or federal laws. However, its passage could spark further efforts to legalize marijuana in the state, as see saw occur in Washington and Colorado in November 2012. “I think there’s national implications, keeping the momentum that Washington and Colorado started last November in ending marijuana prohibition,” said Boyer. “This is just the next domino.” Do you agree that this is a sign of inevitable, and smarter things to come? Or is it all a slippery slope? Share your comments below, and vote in our survey: Should marijuana be legal?   Yes No Maybe View Poll »

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Portland, Maine, Legalizes Recreational Marijuana By Overwhelming Majority

Portland, Maine, Legalizes Recreational Marijuana By Overwhelming Majority

Portland, Maine, voters approved legalizing recreational marijuana for residents 21 and older. The measure passed with around 70 percent support Tuesday. As such, Portland becomes the East Coast city to legalize pot . Portland, Maine, Legalizes Marijuana Adult residents may now possess up to 2.5 ounces of weed. The measure does not permit the recreational purchase or sale of marijuana, nor does it permit its use in public spaces like parks. But other than that? Legal. “Most Portlanders, like most Americans, are fed up with our nation’s failed marijuana prohibition laws,” said David Boyer of the Marijuana Policy Project. “We applaud the voters of Portland for adopting a smarter marijuana policy, and we look forward to working with city officials to ensure it is implemented.” On an election day that saw Bill de Blasio elected NYC Mayor and Chris Christie re-elected Governor of New Jersey, this issue was also closely watched. Medical marijuana is already legal in Maine, and the Portland referendum is seen as largely symbolic, as it does not override state or federal laws. However, its passage could spark further efforts to legalize marijuana in the state, as see saw occur in Washington and Colorado in November 2012. “I think there’s national implications, keeping the momentum that Washington and Colorado started last November in ending marijuana prohibition,” said Boyer. “This is just the next domino.” Do you agree that this is a sign of inevitable, and smarter things to come? Or is it all a slippery slope? Share your comments below, and vote in our survey: Should marijuana be legal?   Yes No Maybe View Poll »

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Portland, Maine, Legalizes Recreational Marijuana By Overwhelming Majority