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Katy Perry Gets Slimed At Kids’ Choice Awards

‘Why does it taste like boogers?’ singer jokes onstage. By Amy Wilkinson Katy Perry backstage at the Kids’ Choice Awards on Saturday Photo: Chris Polk/KCA2010/Getty Images During Saturday’s (March 27) 23rd Annual Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards, singer Katy Perry joined an elite and very exclusive group whose members include Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford and Sandra Bullock. In other words, she was slimed. Clad in a skintight yellow dress and a bright blue wig, Perry took the KCA stage along with actor Jonah Hill to present the award for Favorite Movie Actress. As Perry opened the box to reveal the winner’s name, she was met instead by a forceful green geyser of slime, which sent her flying to the floor and coated her face, outfit and fake hair. “I can’t see anything,” she exclaimed after emerging from a puddle of the slimy goo and hugging Hill. “Why does it taste like boogers?” “You look great,” Hill reassured her. When winner Miley Cyrus’ name was finally announced for the acting award, Perry made a move to hug the winner as she reached for her orange blimp. “Don’t you dare,” Cyrus warned. After dodging the singer stealthily, Cyrus joked, “Luckily, we both wear wigs, so it’s OK.” Prior to Saturday’s ceremony, Perry Tweeted, “Hope I don’t get none of that disgusting booger slime on me @Kids Choice Awards 2night … I’ll slap the ho that ruins my weave, nails, face!” Following her messy presentation, Perry simply Tweeted, “Crap.” Perry was one of several celebs, including “Twilight” actor Jackson Rathbone, to be slimed during the evening’s show. This was not the first time Perry got a little dirty on an awards-show stage. During 2008’s Los Premios, the “I Kissed a Girl” singer belly-flopped into a giant birthday cake , slipping on the icing and falling to the ground. Related Photos Justin Bieber, Miranda Cosgrove, More Arrive At 2010 Kids’ Choice Awards Related Artists Katy Perry

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Katy Perry Gets Slimed At Kids’ Choice Awards