Tag Archives: does-the-fate

Why Obamacare is “the Most Important Case” in 50 Years: Q&A with Timothy Sandefur of PLF


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Does the fate of a federal government with limited powers rest in the hands of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia? And if so, will he rule against broad federal powers (as he did in the Gonzales case) or in favor of the feds’ right to regulate just about anything (as he did in the Raich case)? The Supreme Court case over The Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, “is certainly the most important… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Reason Magazine – Hit & Run Discovery Date : 27/03/2012 16:16 Number of articles : 2

Why Obamacare is “the Most Important Case” in 50 Years: Q&A with Timothy Sandefur of PLF