Tag Archives: doherty-needs

Mourning Hangover Dump of the Day

I’ve decided to rename the morning hangover dump to the MOURNING hangover dump, because the concept of good morning doesn’t exist to me, it’s usually filled with disappointment, feelings of failure, a headache, sometimes vomit and everyday I am forced to mourn the dreams I once had, that have long gone, like being a billionaire oil tycoon with a herem in paradise, so I see the Mourning hangover from hard drinking my disappointment away the night before, appropriate… Let me know what you all think… Here is the hangover link dump…that smells a lot less like death than the other hangover dump I took about an hour ago…. Cuddles… Robot Dancers Start Things Off – VIDEO FOLLOW THIS LINK The 20 Naughtiest Cheerleaders Ever FOLLOW THIS LINK Free Cam Shows Because It’s Thursday and We All Need a Little Push to Make It Through the Weekend FOLLOW THIS LINK 4 Things Shannen Doherty Needs At Her Televised Wedding FOLLOW THIS LINK Live Cam Shows That Will Make a Hot Day Even Hotter FOLLOW THIS LINK I Think Her Fist Got Stuck – VIDEO FOLLOW THIS LINK I Wanna Be All Over Emma Stone FOLLOW THIS LINK Blake Lively Was Dumped By Leo Cuz She’s a Total Twat / It was a publicity stunt FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Mourning Hangover Dump of the Day