I’ve decided to rename the morning hangover dump to the MOURNING hangover dump, because the concept of good morning doesn’t exist to me, it’s usually filled with disappointment, feelings of failure, a headache, sometimes vomit and everyday I am forced to mourn the dreams I once had, that have long gone, like being a billionaire oil tycoon with a herem in paradise, so I see the Mourning hangover from hard drinking my disappointment away the night before, appropriate… Let me know what you all think… Here is the hangover link dump…that smells a lot less like death than the other hangover dump I took about an hour ago…. Cuddles… Robot Dancers Start Things Off – VIDEO FOLLOW THIS LINK The 20 Naughtiest Cheerleaders Ever FOLLOW THIS LINK Free Cam Shows Because It’s Thursday and We All Need a Little Push to Make It Through the Weekend FOLLOW THIS LINK 4 Things Shannen Doherty Needs At Her Televised Wedding FOLLOW THIS LINK Live Cam Shows That Will Make a Hot Day Even Hotter FOLLOW THIS LINK I Think Her Fist Got Stuck – VIDEO FOLLOW THIS LINK I Wanna Be All Over Emma Stone FOLLOW THIS LINK Blake Lively Was Dumped By Leo Cuz She’s a Total Twat / It was a publicity stunt FOLLOW THIS LINK
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Mourning Hangover Dump of the Day