Tag Archives: doing-it-now

Stella Maxwell Toothbrushing Erotica of the Day

Nowness magazine is a pretty amazing magazine that everyone want to be a part of….and Stella Maxwell is a Victoria’s Secret model who everyone wants to be inside of….and together they made a video about brushing their teeth…because Oral Hygiene is lovely, I am just not used to it…because the girls I get with are usually toothless, often a good thing, if you can handle the rotting flesh smell…I mean I work on a budget…making this toothbrush shit thing erotic enough…

See original here:
Stella Maxwell Toothbrushing Erotica of the Day

Kate Winslett Bikini of the Day

Do you remember when you were jerking off to Kate Winslett for showing off her tits in Titanic…. Try doing it now…with these bikini pics…. I know you have it in you…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Kate Winslett Bikini of the Day