Tag Archives: doing-kegels

Vaginal Weight Lifter of the Day

Her name is Kim Anami…she’s a Vaginal Weightlifter on instagram…and that blows my fucking mind….and not in a good way…in a wtf kind of why would you put this on instagram and how is this appropriate behavior on instagram, when my pics get flagged everyday…oh right…feminism…or maybe just maybe she’s selling a book on doing kegels and other vagina exercises to have a power vag….feminism… Apparently she’s a surfer…which makes the whole thing even weirder…but her real star talent is her PC muscle ability…that I am sure allows her pussy to grab other even the smallest dick before jerking it off inside her… Here’s what she had to say: I Lift with My Vagina New year, new vagina. It’s that time you’ve all been waiting for: Vaginal Kung Fu 2015 Follow her on INSTAGRAM ….or don’t…weird… Here are her pics…

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Vaginal Weight Lifter of the Day

Vaginal Weight Lifter of the Day

Her name is Kim Anami…she’s a Vaginal Weightlifter on instagram…and that blows my fucking mind….and not in a good way…in a wtf kind of why would you put this on instagram and how is this appropriate behavior on instagram, when my pics get flagged everyday…oh right…feminism…or maybe just maybe she’s selling a book on doing kegels and other vagina exercises to have a power vag….feminism… Apparently she’s a surfer…which makes the whole thing even weirder…but her real star talent is her PC muscle ability…that I am sure allows her pussy to grab other even the smallest dick before jerking it off inside her… Here’s what she had to say: I Lift with My Vagina New year, new vagina. It’s that time you’ve all been waiting for: Vaginal Kung Fu 2015 Follow her on INSTAGRAM ….or don’t…weird… Here are her pics…

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Vaginal Weight Lifter of the Day