Tag Archives: doing-the-fat

Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Bikini of the Day

Iskra Lawrence out here with her fat ass and grey hair looking like she just got banged out behind the CVS by the guy that killed XXXTENTACION….if you know what I mean… She’s a big fucking girl, doing the fat thing, who I don’t think was fat before realizing she could make money with the fat thing, and as an exhibitionist…she had no choice to go that route to get noticed…so that she can walk around gut out with confidence since it was self inflicted and not in an eat her feelings cuz she’s sad and lonely self inflicted….but self inflicted like a fucking tactic or design to get out there, get famous and get banged out by all the florida hoods into this kind of thing…. Fat chicks are gross. Fat shame them. Don’t celebrate them. Fat is the very loud killer…cuz fat people are loud, the fart loud, they inconvenience normal sized people on planes…they eat loud…they die fast and they die hard….being fat needs to stop being glamourizeed and sexualizeed…it’s the real threat on your great nation. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Bikini of the Day