Tag Archives: doing-the-free

Emily Ratakowski in Some Lingerie Video of the Day

Emily Ratakowski made a Valentines Day video, she probably got paid a lot, and her 5 minutes of fame have being a solid year and a half of fame, and in that year and a half of fame, she’s made a ton of fucking money….and may even be in a position to retire a much richer person than she would have been if she continued doing the free shoots….and the lesson here is that you don’t need to be tall, you don’t need to be a model, you don’t even need to be hot…to be famous for your tits…you just need a little marketing and a Pharell viral video and song to really solidify you exist…but like anything it fades out…what’s the expression “this too shall pass”…something I like to say in reference of my herpes outbreaks…but that I guess that can be applied to the herpes outbreak that is EMRATATATATA…… The post Emily Ratakowski in Some Lingerie Video of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather – Celebrity Gossip, Hot Girls, Comedy, Good Times… .

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Emily Ratakowski in Some Lingerie Video of the Day