Her name is Courtney Robertson and she is from the Bachelor…I didn’t bother going through her life history to see if she won the shit or if she’s in the pool with the guy she is gonna pretend she fell in love with cuz a network told her she will make a million dollars if she does so for at least a year as it helps ratings….cuz anyone with a brain knows the show is bullshit….anyone with morals knows girls fighting for a dude or dudes fighting for a girl is unrealistic and pretty fucking sleazy if it was to happen in real life….so I guess seeing her at a Vegas pool party is pretty appropriate…considering that’s where all the hooker trash ends up….business is good there….always a steady flow of cock attached to money…something she’s shown the world is important to her….whore!! TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
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Courtney Robertson’s in a Bikini in Vegas of the Day