Tag Archives: girls-fighting

Weird Lady Gaga Topless Shoot of the Day

I remember a time when seeing a naked popstar in a magazine was considered scandalous…but we’ve all been so desensitized, these could be pics any Disney star and we’d look and hardly care, so when it’s Gaga, who’s hurting for attention as hard as she ever has, it’s just expected…and I am down with staring at her tits and her suggestive poses, but I know shit doesn’t fucking matter, I’m hardly impressed and I don’t even care…which is saying a lot considering the last 10 years of my life has been devoted to exposing these bitches when they get famous…I guess it’s officially got boring…thanks Gaga for reminding me. I guess this isn’t really her topless, since she’s got make-up on her nipples but it is close enough.

Weird Lady Gaga Topless Shoot of the Day

Weird Lady Gaga Topless Shoot of the Day

I remember a time when seeing a naked popstar in a magazine was considered scandalous…but we’ve all been so desensitized, these could be pics any Disney star and we’d look and hardly care, so when it’s Gaga, who’s hurting for attention as hard as she ever has, it’s just expected…and I am down with staring at her tits and her suggestive poses, but I know shit doesn’t fucking matter, I’m hardly impressed and I don’t even care…which is saying a lot considering the last 10 years of my life has been devoted to exposing these bitches when they get famous…I guess it’s officially got boring…thanks Gaga for reminding me. I guess this isn’t really her topless, since she’s got make-up on her nipples but it is close enough.

Weird Lady Gaga Topless Shoot of the Day

Half Naked Woman on the Street of the Day

Drunk, crackhead women are kinda my thing because they are pretty much the only women I am capable of seducing…they are not so demanding, and you can usually get away with just offering them a shower, or a few dollars and sure they smell like shit, but their mentally unstable behavior keeps things fresh and exciting, and the fact that they are willing to fuck, even if they have no idea what they are doing, cancels out any negative shit…so seeing a fat chick in a bikini on the street at 6 am, obviously wasted…speaks to me. If that’s not enough for her, here’s a boring video of drunk girls Or maybe you like drunk girls fighting…

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Half Naked Woman on the Street of the Day

Half Naked Woman on the Street of the Day

Drunk, crackhead women are kinda my thing because they are pretty much the only women I am capable of seducing…they are not so demanding, and you can usually get away with just offering them a shower, or a few dollars and sure they smell like shit, but their mentally unstable behavior keeps things fresh and exciting, and the fact that they are willing to fuck, even if they have no idea what they are doing, cancels out any negative shit…so seeing a fat chick in a bikini on the street at 6 am, obviously wasted…speaks to me. If that’s not enough for her, here’s a boring video of drunk girls Or maybe you like drunk girls fighting…

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Half Naked Woman on the Street of the Day

Rachel Ballinger Hot and Naked in Simon Burstall’s Perfect Guide Editorial of the Day

Rachel Ballinger is some aspiring model who has been in the game since 2009 from what I saw and has not really broke through or accomplished shit..she’s just an amateur model who may have a modeling contract along with hundreds of thousands of other girls with modeling contracts who acheive nothing….so she’s decided to take her destiny in her own hands cuz working as a bartender or whatever the fuck she does to pay her rent while this modeling thing starts to roll out….and that involved showing off her hot litte body and amazing ass in some dude’s photoshoot that I love….She’s going places…but lets hope there are a few roadblocks and struggles in the way…cuz that will mean more nudity for exposure…cuz remember hot or not…there are hundreds of thousands of girls fighting for the same gigs…and that brings me hope that this isn’t the last we see of her tits…

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Rachel Ballinger Hot and Naked in Simon Burstall’s Perfect Guide Editorial of the Day

Courtney Robertson’s in a Bikini in Vegas of the Day

Her name is Courtney Robertson and she is from the Bachelor…I didn’t bother going through her life history to see if she won the shit or if she’s in the pool with the guy she is gonna pretend she fell in love with cuz a network told her she will make a million dollars if she does so for at least a year as it helps ratings….cuz anyone with a brain knows the show is bullshit….anyone with morals knows girls fighting for a dude or dudes fighting for a girl is unrealistic and pretty fucking sleazy if it was to happen in real life….so I guess seeing her at a Vegas pool party is pretty appropriate…considering that’s where all the hooker trash ends up….business is good there….always a steady flow of cock attached to money…something she’s shown the world is important to her….whore!! TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Courtney Robertson’s in a Bikini in Vegas of the Day

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Hot Asian Chick Bathtub Fight

If you’re a fan of hot Asian girls fighting in a bathtub you will love this video. If only there was a little less clothing and a little more me. Hot Asian Chick Bathtub Fight Video More AmaTuna

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Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Hot Asian Chick Bathtub Fight