Tag Archives: thing-because

Half Naked Woman on the Street of the Day

Drunk, crackhead women are kinda my thing because they are pretty much the only women I am capable of seducing…they are not so demanding, and you can usually get away with just offering them a shower, or a few dollars and sure they smell like shit, but their mentally unstable behavior keeps things fresh and exciting, and the fact that they are willing to fuck, even if they have no idea what they are doing, cancels out any negative shit…so seeing a fat chick in a bikini on the street at 6 am, obviously wasted…speaks to me. If that’s not enough for her, here’s a boring video of drunk girls Or maybe you like drunk girls fighting…

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Half Naked Woman on the Street of the Day

Half Naked Woman on the Street of the Day

Drunk, crackhead women are kinda my thing because they are pretty much the only women I am capable of seducing…they are not so demanding, and you can usually get away with just offering them a shower, or a few dollars and sure they smell like shit, but their mentally unstable behavior keeps things fresh and exciting, and the fact that they are willing to fuck, even if they have no idea what they are doing, cancels out any negative shit…so seeing a fat chick in a bikini on the street at 6 am, obviously wasted…speaks to me. If that’s not enough for her, here’s a boring video of drunk girls Or maybe you like drunk girls fighting…

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Half Naked Woman on the Street of the Day

Play Time: 9 Celebrity Couples In Open Relationships

Celebrities In Open Relationships The say that sharing is caring. But you have to draw the line somewhere, right? Apparently these couples don’t have any line drawn. They’ll share each other with other people! That’s clearly a rich people thing because we don’t understand that at all. But whatever floats their boats. Take a look at these couples who are in open relationships. Would you do it? Continue reading

Taboo Defends The Black Eyed Peas Halftime Show

If you were looking for energy and many bright lights, The Black Eyed Peas Super Bowl halftime performance went perfectly on Sunday. But if you tuned in hoping to hear perfect sound mixing and smooth vocals, you were one of the many critics disappointed in the results. Black Eyed Peas Halftime Show In a new interview with Pop Eater, group member Taboo acknowledges a few “technical problems,” but defends the performance overall, explaining: The thing about it is there were 100 million viewers. If you get 60 million people who didn’t like it and you get 40 million that did like the show, that’s a pretty cool thing because you can’t please everybody. Everybody who is a critic is going to criticize and annihilate everything you do even if it’s a good thing. They just want to bring it down. As many people who are blogging about how disappointed they were, there’s a lot of people in the streets who really loved the show. What did you think of the performance?

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Taboo Defends The Black Eyed Peas Halftime Show

Dave Matthews and His Sloppy Wife in her Bikini of the Day

I wouldn’t have expected Dave Matthews to have prime pussy since he’s pretty much irrelevant. Sure every single Jewish girl and hippie at camp I’ve ever met loves his shit….but he’s still not Lady Gaga….I know that just because he’s on TV, he could probably rake in a few tighter bodied groupies than this slophole, but really and you’d think he could get himself a better quality wife… I mean he struggled through getting a record deal, touring, recording fucking groupies all these years on his rise to whatever level of fame he has now, and he ended up with this and all I know is that if I was him, this would be like a huge fuck you on my life despite all the success he’s had or how much money he has in the bank…he still has to wake up to this shit or come home to this shit… The only explanation for this is that he knocked her up and is trying to do the good thing because she doesn’t believe in abortions when you get pregnant by rich people in bands…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Dave Matthews and His Sloppy Wife in her Bikini of the Day

Leticia Birkheuer in a Hot Bikini on the Beach of the Day

I don’t know how my site turned into strictly a bikini stalking site, like the place where every useless no name cunt I can find in a bikini gets posted, but I’m starting to get nervous thinking about what I am going to do when summer is over and bitches start wearing sweaters. I’m gonna be fucked.

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Leticia Birkheuer in a Hot Bikini on the Beach of the Day