Tag Archives: dominique-anne

The Girls of Sky Fall of the Day

The amazing team at the STEPFORUM …compiled a bunch of pics of the latest Skyfall Bond girls…since the movie came out last night….They dug deep cuz these girls are virtually unknown and I figure as nerd, losers, typical assholes into bond movies…you’d get a kick out of this compilation… The Bond girls of Skyfall are: Naomie Harris (Eve), Bérénice Marlohe – (Sévérine), Helen McCrory – (Clair Dowar MP), Elize du Toit – (Vanessa (M’s Assistant), Tonia Sotiropoulou – (Bond’s Beach Lover), Yennis Cheung – (Floating Dragon Cashier), Dominique Anne Jones – (M’s Inquiry Assistant)….. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna waste my time on seeing this shit…or that I am endorsing the shit..I am just linking you to something good. I am a hero like that. TO SEE THE SKYFALL BOND GIRLS AT THEIR BEST – OR TO GET TO KNOW THEM A BIT BETTER FOLLOW THIS LINK

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The Girls of Sky Fall of the Day