Tag Archives: dougreinhardt

The Week of B-List Breakups: A Crib Sheet [Splitsville]

It’s official: Paris Hilton has split up with her boyfriend, frozen burrito heir and terrible baseball player Doug Reinhardt ! Well, you know what they say about B-list celebrity splits: they happen in fours. More

MTV Accused of Trashing ‘The Hills’ Pad

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Paris Hilton The people behind “The Hills” are being sued for allegedly trashing the hell out of a rental home where they taped the show — all because of a nasty war between Doug Reinhardt and his landlord. It all began when Reinhardt — Paris Hilton’s boyfriend … Permalink

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MTV Accused of Trashing ‘The Hills’ Pad

Paris and Doug in Knock Down, Drag Out

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Paris Hilton Paris Hilton and Doug Reinhardt got into an epic fight early this morning … so much so the LAPD responded to a call — “Drunk people arguing” — this, according to law enforcement sources.It happened a few hours ago in the Hollywood Hills.

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Paris and Doug in Knock Down, Drag Out

Red Alert at Paris Hilton’s House

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Paris Hilton , Exclusives Cops just paid a visit to Paris Hilton’s pad, to make sure she wasn’t a burglary victim twice over.We’ve learned the LAPD pulled a car over near the home where Paris Hilton and BF Doug Reinhardt live … and the officers noticed Paris’ gate was open

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Red Alert at Paris Hilton’s House