‘Her spirits aren’t high,’ Shawn Chapman Holley says after visiting Lohan. By Gil Kaufman Lindsay Lohan surrenders at the Beverly Hills Courthouse on Tuesday Photo: Pool/ Getty Images It was a good news/ bad news scenario for troubled actress Lindsay Lohan on her first day in jail on Tuesday. The good news was that, due to chronic overcrowding in the Los Angeles penal system, Lohan will likely serve only 14 days of her 90-day sentence. The bad news was that being behind bars is every bit as difficult as you might expect for the 24-year old “Mean Girls” star, who will spend the next two weeks by herself in a 12-by-8 cell in protective custody that will keep her away from the general population of the jail. According to People.com , Lohan had her first guest shortly after being processed at the Century Regional Detention Center in Lynwood, California. She sat behind a thick glass partition and spoke with once-again attorney Shawn Chapman Holley , who told the site that her client is trying to get used to her new surroundings. “Understandably, Lindsay’s having a difficult time adjusting as it would be for anyone,” Holley said after the brief visit Tuesday. “She’s trying to make the necessary adjustments to an extremely stressful and difficult situation. There were some tears.” Lohan will spend about 22 hours a day alone in her cell, which is right next to the one being occupied by “Pretty Wild” star Alexis Neiers, who was accused of being part of the “Burglar Bunch” gang of celebrity-robbing bandits that had preyed on stars, including Lohan. (Neiers is in the same cell that once housed Paris Hilton during the celebutant’s 2007 stint behind bars on a probation violation from a DUI charge.) “Generally, the first two days in jail are the most difficult,” Holley said. “I just kept reminding her of that. She’s doing the best she can.” The attorney said Lohan’s struggles to adjust are not that unusual, according to some of her guards. “Her spirits aren’t high,” Holley said, “but I spoke to some of the deputies, and they said Lindsay’s reaction is the same as anyone in her situation.” Related Videos Lindsay Lohan: Crime And Punishment Related Photos Lindsay Lohan Goes To Court The Highs And Lows Of Lindsay Lohan Related Artists Lindsay Lohan

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Lindsay Lohan’s First Days In Jail Will Be Hardest, Lawyer Says
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