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Jesse James Denies Sex Tape Report, Little Else

Jesse James has finally found something he and Sandra Bullock can agree on – and a piece of gossip pertaining to him that he can actually deny. There is no Jesse James sex tape or tapes. Period. Bullock denied it earlier this week after Internet reports surfaced that her cheating husband had starred in at least a dozen homemade sex tapes. And Nazi videos, which would be more credible. James has now shot down the story too, claiming he has never been in any sex tapes with any other women, with or without Nazi-themed attire. Jesse James may be a serial cheater, but at least he didn’t film any of it while he was wearing that Nazi hat. That must make Sandra feel so much better, right? “The claims of sex tapes are untrue and completely fabricated,” says a rep for James. Well, thanks for clearing that up, Mr. Upstanding Citizen. No denials of his cheating have been issued, it’s worth mentioning, only a vague, Tiger-esque apology for hurting his family via unnamed acts. Michelle “Bombshell” McGee , Melissa Smith and Brigitte Daguerre have all been linked to Jesse James, as has a fourth, anonymous mistress. Bullock has yet to separate from James, although you would have to think it’s just a matter of time. What do you think Sandra should do?

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Jesse James Denies Sex Tape Report, Little Else