If there’s anything worse than being outed for X-rated dalliances with porn stars and other assorted sleazy women, it’s them going on tour to remind everyone of it. Yes, three of Tiger Woods’ alleged mistresses, one of Jesse James’ cheating partners and women tied to David Boreanaz and even Reggie Bush are coming together. No pun intended. Stars like Joslyn James , Holly Sampson and Devon James (Tiger) are teaming up to tour the U.S. and remind everyone of his lowest moments. With reinforcements. Remember Devon James? No? She’s Tiger mistress #1,145! Come on! Melissa Smith (Jesse), January Gessert (Reggie) and Demi Delia (Boreanaz, apparently) and others will appear at the “eXXXtacy 2010” convention in Chicago in July. The roving band of porn stars is planning to blow into other cities as well, reports Joslyn’s manager Gina Rodriguez, herself an alleged mistress of David Boreanaz . Man that guy got around. So underrated. Rodriguez tells us she’s booked the cheaters circus for the next few months, not unlike Joslyn’s traveling strip show, although she wouldn’t reveal specific dates. Please, tell us Orlando is on the list.
Originally posted here:
Adult Convention to Bring Together Tiger Woods, Jesse James and David Boreanaz Mistresses