Tag Archives: melissa-smith

Adult Convention to Bring Together Tiger Woods, Jesse James and David Boreanaz Mistresses

If there’s anything worse than being outed for X-rated dalliances with porn stars and other assorted sleazy women, it’s them going on tour to remind everyone of it. Yes, three of Tiger Woods’ alleged mistresses, one of Jesse James’ cheating partners and women tied to David Boreanaz and even Reggie Bush are coming together. No pun intended. Stars like Joslyn James , Holly Sampson and Devon James (Tiger) are teaming up to tour the U.S. and remind everyone of his lowest moments. With reinforcements. Remember Devon James? No? She’s Tiger mistress #1,145! Come on! Melissa Smith (Jesse), January Gessert (Reggie) and Demi Delia (Boreanaz, apparently) and others will appear at the “eXXXtacy 2010” convention in Chicago in July. The roving band of porn stars is planning to blow into other cities as well, reports Joslyn’s manager Gina Rodriguez, herself an alleged mistress of David Boreanaz . Man that guy got around. So underrated. Rodriguez tells us she’s booked the cheaters circus for the next few months, not unlike Joslyn’s traveling strip show, although she wouldn’t reveal specific dates. Please, tell us Orlando is on the list.

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Adult Convention to Bring Together Tiger Woods, Jesse James and David Boreanaz Mistresses

Tiger and Jesse’s Nightmare — The Mistress Tour

Filed under: Tiger Woods , Jesse James , Joslyn James , David Boreanaz , Melissa Smith Tiger Woods , Jesse James , David Boreanaz — This is Your Life, X-rated edition … aka your alleged mistresses teaming up to tour the country and remind everyone of your lowest moments. Good times. Like a strippers’ Legion of Doom — Joslyn James ,… Read more

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Tiger and Jesse’s Nightmare — The Mistress Tour

Melissa Smith tattoo picture

Melissa Smith was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Her family later moved to Rochester Hills, Michigan. She is Canadian-Italian. She began figure skating at the age of 3, and at age 5, started gymnastics. From then, she progressed into dance. She Attended Deborah#39;s Stage Dance Door Performing Arts Academy, and went on to become a solo dancer, as well as dancing in groups. At the age of 12, Melissa starred in a Christmas Extravaganza as a Singer. This led her to regional and national titles i

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Melissa Smith tattoo picture

Melissa Smith Faxes Apology to Sandra Bullock

Melissa Smith, the often-forgotten Jesse James mistress after Michelle McGee, has reached out to Sandra Bullock the way all respectable home-wreckers do. To her agent, via fax. On Sunday, Melissa Smith apologized for her affair with Jesse,: “I know nothing I can say in this letter is going to make the pain of my actions go away.” “I felt I needed to reach out and tell you how deeply sorry I am for everything that you’ve been through. I am sorry for any hurt or pain I have caused.” “My actions of engaging with a married man are unforgivable.” Way to make things right, Michelle Smith! Smith continues her apology, “I never meant you any harm. I compromised my beliefs on several occasions and as a result will never forgive myself.” We’re sure that means so much. Original mistress Michelle “Bombshell” McGee also apologized to Sandra … to further cash in on her brief notoriety. Melissa closes the letter, “Please contact me if you wish to discuss on the phone or in person.” We wouldn’t hold our breath for that if we were Smith. Follow the jump to see the letter …

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Melissa Smith Faxes Apology to Sandra Bullock

Jesse’s Mistress to Sandra: I’m Sorry

Filed under: Sandra Bullock , Jesse James , Melissa Smith TMZ has obtained a letter that Melissa Smith — Jesse James mistress #2 — faxed to Sandra Bullock ‘s agent on Sunday, apologizing for her alleged affair with Jesse … and it’s pretty audacious. Smith wrote to Sandra, “I felt I needed to reach out to… Read more

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Jesse’s Mistress to Sandra: I’m Sorry

Today is Jesse James’ Birthday

Jesse James, you blew it man. Happy birthday, we guess. After the stuff you pulled the past few years, you don’t deserve a cake, except maybe one to the face. Here we thought Sandra Bullock’s husband was a good guy. Sure, they came from different backgrounds, but they made it work and we were happy for them. Until he decided to eff things up by getting Michelle Bombshell nude while Sandra was filming The Blind Side . Not just once either. Three times in a day. Sick. The Jesse James cheating scandal didn’t stop there. Brigitte Daguerre, Melissa Smith, Merilee Gerth and Lord only knows who else followed. Just deplorable. Yeah, We hope your 41st birthday sucks, loser. Whatever divorce deal you work out can’t come soon enough. Anyway, click to enlarge Jesse James pics below!

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Today is Jesse James’ Birthday

Jesse James Denies Sex Tape Report, Little Else

Jesse James has finally found something he and Sandra Bullock can agree on – and a piece of gossip pertaining to him that he can actually deny. There is no Jesse James sex tape or tapes. Period. Bullock denied it earlier this week after Internet reports surfaced that her cheating husband had starred in at least a dozen homemade sex tapes. And Nazi videos, which would be more credible. James has now shot down the story too, claiming he has never been in any sex tapes with any other women, with or without Nazi-themed attire. Jesse James may be a serial cheater, but at least he didn’t film any of it while he was wearing that Nazi hat. That must make Sandra feel so much better, right? “The claims of sex tapes are untrue and completely fabricated,” says a rep for James. Well, thanks for clearing that up, Mr. Upstanding Citizen. No denials of his cheating have been issued, it’s worth mentioning, only a vague, Tiger-esque apology for hurting his family via unnamed acts. Michelle “Bombshell” McGee , Melissa Smith and Brigitte Daguerre have all been linked to Jesse James, as has a fourth, anonymous mistress. Bullock has yet to separate from James, although you would have to think it’s just a matter of time. What do you think Sandra should do?

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Jesse James Denies Sex Tape Report, Little Else

Jesse James Mistress #2 Plays for the Other Team

Filed under: Paparazzi Photo , Sandra Bullock , Jesse James Jesse James’ alleged mistress #2 Melissa Smith is officially on Team Sandra.After having the audacity to eat at Jesse’s Long Beach burger joint last Friday, the ballsy homewrecker rode around town sporting a Team Sandra t-shirt.Melissa’s blind side … Permalink

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Jesse James Mistress #2 Plays for the Other Team

Sandra Bullock-Jesse James Divorce Countdown: Actress Prepares Papers, Jackass Leaves Rehab

Sandra Bullock has reportedly drawn up divorce papers, having gone through the stages of anger and surprise and started planning her next move. While nothing is official, this intel is sketchy at best and no announcement has been made from either Sandra or Jesse James, it wouldn’t shock us. “Her attitude toward Jesse hasn’t softened since she found out he was cheating on her,” a close source said. “She’s been betrayed and cheated on.” “She’s not getting over that.” The Oscar winner’s husband has been tied to four alleged mistresses – Michelle “Bombshell” McGee , Melissa Smith, Brigitte Daguerre and one other. However, new reports indicate (anonymously, thank you Radar Online ) that James admitted to Sandra that there was a total of seven mistresses . Jesse was reportedly in rehab in Arizona receiving treatment for sex addiction, although he is rumored to have left late last night or this morning. Although Jesse’s lawyer described him as “a broken man” of his own volition and wanting to save his marriage, Bullock sources said that’s unlikely. There was a moving van at the house this weekend. Enough said? “Why would she want to get back with him after what he did to her,” the source said. “But she’s a strong woman, and she’s doing the best she can.” Part of her coping strategy, perhaps, is that Sandra has reportedly drawn up divorce papers, although like Elin Woods , she has yet to file them. The source said Sandra is not even discussing details: “Right now she’s very closed. After everything she’s been through, who can blame her.” What do you think? Sandra Bullock should …

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Sandra Bullock-Jesse James Divorce Countdown: Actress Prepares Papers, Jackass Leaves Rehab

Jesse James Mistress #2 — Rap Groupie

Filed under: Jesse James Before she enjoyed the company of famous married men, alleged Jesse James mistress Melissa Smith enjoyed the company of famous rappers. A few years back, Smith hung out in the studio with rappers Ditch and Shock G (of Digital Underground fame) while … Permalink

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Jesse James Mistress #2 — Rap Groupie