Melissa Smith, the often-forgotten Jesse James mistress after Michelle McGee, has reached out to Sandra Bullock the way all respectable home-wreckers do. To her agent, via fax. On Sunday, Melissa Smith apologized for her affair with Jesse,: “I know nothing I can say in this letter is going to make the pain of my actions go away.” “I felt I needed to reach out and tell you how deeply sorry I am for everything that you’ve been through. I am sorry for any hurt or pain I have caused.” “My actions of engaging with a married man are unforgivable.” Way to make things right, Michelle Smith! Smith continues her apology, “I never meant you any harm. I compromised my beliefs on several occasions and as a result will never forgive myself.” We’re sure that means so much. Original mistress Michelle “Bombshell” McGee also apologized to Sandra … to further cash in on her brief notoriety. Melissa closes the letter, “Please contact me if you wish to discuss on the phone or in person.” We wouldn’t hold our breath for that if we were Smith. Follow the jump to see the letter …
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Melissa Smith Faxes Apology to Sandra Bullock