Tag Archives: drinking-hard

Kate Upton Did Saturday Night Live of the Day

I know Kate Upton is a chubby assed, sloppy tit, bad faced twat who is only on the cover of SI because she became an internet sensation with pervert college kids who never dealt with tits before….and SI wants to sell fucking copies and get fucking traffic to their billion dollar hustle…. It amazes me that SNL is still on the air….but more importantly how boring people are….I was out drinking hard with crackheads at some college party this past saturday and managed to hit my twiter – when checking what was trending…SNL was…that means the masses were at home watching this garbage…either twitter is filled with 15 year old suburb kids in basements….or unhappy married people who don’t go out to get fucked up…. SNL Sucks and So does Kate Upton….so I didn’t watch the shit cuz I hate everything about the shit…notice the work I go to for you assholes…

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Kate Upton Did Saturday Night Live of the Day