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Courtney Stodden Turns to Champagne and Selfies in Wake of Miscarriage

Last week, Courtney Stodden suffered a miscarriage in the second month of her pregnancy. In the aftermath, Stodden was understandably quiet on social media, but she did take to time to express her gratitude for the outpouring of affection and support she received from fans. Now that a few days have passed, Courtney is back on Instagram, and she seems to be managing her grief as well as could be expected. Though some fans have expressed concern with Courtney’s coping mechanism of choice. Stodden posted the pics below earlier today, and some fans are taking them as an indication that she’s drowning her sorrows in booze because, well, she basically said that’s what she’s doing. “Champagne Days #picoftheday,” she captioned the pic on the left. “Numbing myself of the deep loneliness I feel,” she wrote nest to the pic on the right. Obviously, for anyone who’s never endured it, a miscarriage is an unimaginably difficult experience, and anything that brings Courtney a modicum of peace during this trying time can’t be all bad.  Courtney’s troubles have been compounded by the public nature of her miscarriage as well as a slew of rumors that her pregnancy was fake . That said, we join her concerned fans in hoping that she’s not turning to booze as her sole or primary means of handling her grief. Courtney’s never been known to suffer from any addiction issues in the past, but she only turned 21 last year, and she stated in several interviews that she never experimented with drugs and never drank until she was legal. Courtney celebrated her 21st  by getting drunk last summer, which is obviously the customary way to mark the occasion. We just hope she’s not making it a regular habit these days.

Courtney Stodden Turns to Champagne and Selfies in Wake of Miscarriage