Tag Archives: drugs-counselor

In Honor of Sinead O’Connor’s Hilariously Weird Marriage, Here’s Her Hilariously Weird Cameo as the Virgin Mary

Thank you, Baby Jesus, for the blessed month of December 2011, because it’s given me the greatest gift of all: Sinead O’Connor’s renewed relevance. The Irish singer was married less than three weeks ago to drugs counselor Barry Herridge, and already she’s releasing cryptic press statements about the reasons they’re divorcing. I guess marijuana is part of it? And a courtship that felt like “living in a coffin”? I don’t know. But I do know that Sinead O’Connor’s most hilariously bizarre moment has nothing to do with quickly nuptials — it has to do with a 1997 film in which she played a foul-mouthed Virgin Mary. Know it?