Tuesday night on Jill & Jessa: Counting On Season 2 Episode 4, there was secret baby shower in the works courtesy of Joy-Anna Duggar. There was also a treehouse involved, and more insight into the family’s dating – sorry, courting – process, which is always … something. Watch Jill & Jessa Counting On Season 2 Episode 4 Online Picking up where last week left off, Jill & Jessa Counting On Season 2 Episode 4 offered us more behind-the-scenes looks at Duggar life. Specifically, Joy-Anna Duggar and family friend Sierra were hard at work preparing a baby shower for another friend, Kristen Young. Kristen and her husband, Justin, run Tacos 4 Life – a favorite local hangout of Ben Seewald and Jessa Duggar, among other Duggars. Meanwhile, some other family members were in treehouse building mode, and in the case of John-David, waxing poetic about his future. “I’m in a position where I am somewhat financially independent,” Jana Duggar’s twin brother, a pilot and firefighter, beamed. “I’m making an income. I’ve got a place to live.” “Hopefully,” added the 26-year-old, “one day I’ll get married, have some kids of my own and build my own tree fort maybe.” John-David didn’t specify when, or with whom, of course, and the topic of Joy-Anna Duggar courting also came up on this episode. Josiah Duggar, whose own failed courtship with Marjorie Jackson made headlines, and Joseph Duggar weighed in on that subject. For anyone to get near Joy-Anna, “he’d almost have to be the perfect guy, and he would go through a lot of testing,” Joseph said. Joy-Anna Duggar Talks Courtship in Counting On Preview “I think if guys come around, they’re going to have to get through a few guys,” Josiah added, equally protective of his sister. “I say if a guy shows up to court Joy, there will definitely be a lot of us standing back a little bit kind of checking him out.” Joy-Anna’s sister Jinger Duggar chimed in, “I think there are some men that have maybe expressed some interest in her. “She has a great personality,” added Jinger, who’s also single herself, “and so now we’re just trying to see where life leads.” In any case, when asked if she could see herself entering a courtship, Joy-Anna (above) simply smiled and said … not a lot. Back to Operation Treehouse, Jessa, Joy, Sierra and Anna Duggar went shopping for kitchen equipment, but that mission fell apart. Soon, it became a personal shopping trip for Jessa, Sierra and Anna at the thrift store, where Jessa mused on the Duggar dress code: “Duggar modesty standard is being covered from the neck to the knees, so most dresses are going to need some sleeves added,” she said. “Or maybe a little length, too, if they’re too short.” She’s not kidding. Anyone remember that Jessa Duggar swimsuit photo from last summer? Duggar Modesty Standard to the Extreme. View Slideshow: 11 Things BANNED in the Duggar Family So yeah. There’s your refresher if you needed it. Finally, it was time for the baby shower for Kristen, and Sierra headed out to pick up the unsuspecting, expectant friend of the family. One wonders if Kristen was really in the dark. If you watch Jill and Jessa: Counting On online , you’ll see that they were hardly secretive. It’s a small town where people know everything, and details of the treehouse plot leaked months ago. Would a baby shower be secret? Not important, of course. It’s all about getting together and celebrating family, friends and the miracle of life. And Joy being in charge. “I don’t think Sierra has ever left me in charge of a party by myself, so this is going to be fun. I want to do it right for her,” Joy stated. And, obviously, “I want to do something that is good for Kristen, too.” So what happened when Kristen took off the mandatory blindfold? She was definitely surprised, or faked it really well! She totes burst into tears upon seeing all the family and friends awaiting her arrival. Many games, cream-cheese-Oreo-powdered-sugar balls and prayer circles later, the Duggars closed out the event as a great success. Good times as always in Tontitown. View Slideshow: 19 Things We Hope to See on Jill & Jessa: Counting On
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Jill & Jessa Counting On Recap: The Duggar Dating Test