Tag Archives: during-the-demo

Ester Dean Talks About Her Success & “Drop It Low” Originally Being For Ciara

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Singer/Song-writer Ester Dean has written hits for celebs like Brittney Spears and Chris Brown. The 24- year old is Grammy nominated and currently basking in Billboard success with singles she wrote for Rihanna and Katy Perry. Ester admits to living in poverty-like conditions saying “Three years ago I was dead broke,” Ester jokes to the LATimes about not being able to afford Fruit Loops (“Not being able to afford Fruit Loops and having to buy the Fruity O’s in the white box, or the mac and cheese that’s not in the blue box,”). She goes on to say ‘Drop It Low,’ honestly, was for Ciara, but she didn’t come get the song. And then Britney [Spears] wanted it,” she said. “During the demo [Polow] kept telling me, ‘You’ve gotta believe it’ as I was singing it. A week later he asked if I wanted to hear my new single.” Click here , to read the full interview at LATimes.com Ciara Sex Tape With 50 Cent?! Chris Brown Makes Ester Dean “Drop It Low”

Ester Dean Talks About Her Success & “Drop It Low” Originally Being For Ciara