Tag Archives: during-the-lame

CBS Issues ‘Gridlock Alert,’ Warns That GOP ‘Put A Halt on Cooperating’

At the top of Wednesday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Erica Hill fretted over Republicans pledging to focus solely on economic issues in the lame duck session of Congress: “Gridlock alert. Just one day after promising to work together while meeting with President Obama, GOP leaders may now put a halt on cooperating with Democrats on Capitol Hill. So will Washington find itself at a standstill?” Moments later, co-host Harry Smith lamented how “the spirit of cooperation between Republicans and Democrats after yesterday's White House summit seemed to fade quickly.” In the report that followed, senior White House correspondent Bill Plante solely blamed the GOP for the division: “There are new questions this morning about just how sincere the spirit of cooperation in Washington really is. CBS News has confirmed that Senate Republicans have collected signatures on a letter which pledges to block everything unrelated to tax cuts and spending during the lame duck congress.” read more

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CBS Issues ‘Gridlock Alert,’ Warns That GOP ‘Put A Halt on Cooperating’