I know we post the occasional jokey or impractical flowchart, but I feel like I could actually get a lot of use out of this one.
Continued here:
Where Should I Eat?
I know we post the occasional jokey or impractical flowchart, but I feel like I could actually get a lot of use out of this one.
Continued here:
Where Should I Eat?
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged confused, economy-hasn, high-school, Hollywood, links, occasional-jokey, prime-time, the-cover, use-out
In 'Dazed and Confused,' the '90s cult classic homage to high school life in the '70s, the simple phrase 'Hey, man' becomes the glue of every social interaction. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged 90s-cult, becomes-the-glue, classic-homage, confused, does-not, economy-hasn, glue, high-school, Hollywood, links, prime-time, simple, the-cover, the-simple
Bill O'Reilly asks Lou Dobbs (earnestly, in prime time). Because Sarah Palin does not have a monopoly on this week's ridiculous Republican talk show fun.
Read the original post:
‘Barack Obama, Is He The Devil?’
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged does-not, economy-hasn, Hollywood, links, palin, prime-time, the-cover, walter
Watch a time-lapse video of artist Walter Wick balancing 117 toys on a single Lego block.
See original here:
117 Items On A Lego Brick
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged been-kind, cover, economy, economy-hasn, glorious-slow, her-pelvis, Hollywood, the-cover, time-lapse-video, walter, walter-wick, watch
Demi Moore is on the cover of W, but oops! Someone made off with part of her pelvis! This economy hasn't been kind to Demi Moore's hip.
Demi Moore’s Missing Hip
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged been-kind, boing, cover, economy, economy-hasn, her-pelvis, Hollywood, links, moore, pelvis, the-cover