UPDATE An estimated 8.3 million people live in New York City.
Read the rest here:
6.3 Million people who didn’t vote (NYC 2009)
UPDATE An estimated 8.3 million people live in New York City.
Read the rest here:
6.3 Million people who didn’t vote (NYC 2009)
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged census, city, current, educated-people, Hollywood, importance, million-people, original-math, polls, the-importance
The Hills may be my enemy because I hate the concept, the quality and the people who are on it and I am guilty of shitting on these idiots who sold their souls to be on the scripted reality show, but I really should be shitting on the people who watch the show, because these assholes are getting paid.
See the original post:
Stephanie Pratt’s Overpaid Cameltoe Hangs with Audrina’s Overpaid Implants of the Day
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged africa, america, educated-people, Education, make-the-world, People, save-the-world, stephanie pratt, watch-the-show, world