Tag Archives: ejaculated-not

Perverted Granny Gets Charged for Banging a 12 Year old Of the Day

You know what happens when a motherfucker fucks a 12 year old girl, we get charged for fucking life, and when we are in prison for life in prison, we get beat the fuck down on a daily basis for being a child molester, and you know what, rightfully so, because I agree with that shit, fucking a 12 year old is really sick and you have to be pretty fucking twisted to get off to that, let alone set the fucking scene to make a 12 year old want to fuck you back, just getting laid by an adult who wants to fuck and likes to fuck takes a lot of effort and seduction, so despite how convenient the no period / no pregnancy may seem alright in theory, but they are really just kids and need to be left to be kids.

See the article here:
Perverted Granny Gets Charged for Banging a 12 Year old Of the Day

Gutter Booty Shakin’ the Halloween Edition of the Day

I have a friend who can only get off in cemetaries. I am not saying that cuz it is halloween, or because he’s some kind of Goth, he’s just a weird dude and it all started one night he picked up a girl in a bar, and wanted to bring her home with him, but he still lives with his mom so he had to find a place to fuck the bitch. You know as well as I do, that it’s not everyday that an unemployed guy who lives with his mom gets a girl interested enough to fuck him, it actually takes a whole lot of fucking work and a whole lot of fucking lies, because no matter how funny a dude is, or how charming a motherfucker is, or even how big a motherfucker’s dick is, the second a girl hears no job, no money and a room in my mom’s house, they turn around and fuck the next horny motherfucker with no standards who wants to get laid standing in line.

Gutter Booty Shakin’ the Halloween Edition of the Day