Tag Archives: emilia-attias

Anna AJ Picture Moment

Jesikah Maximus Picture Moment

Abbey Brooks Picture Moment

Swedish Popstar Agnes Carlsson’s Got Legs

This one is for all my Swedish readers out there. Here’s Swedish pop star Agnes Carlsson better known as ‘Agness’ walking the streets of Los Angeles the other day. That’s all I know about this chick, but she’s Swedish, she;s not the hottest Swede I’ve ever seen but she’s showing off a whole lotta leg so she’s alright with me. I just checked my stats and apparently I don’t have any Swedish readers, but I’ve already uploaded all the images so it’s too late. If you know any Swedes feel free to forward this crap to them. Njuta av.

Jessie Canizales Picture Moment

Jessica Canizales Picture Moment

Iga Wywral Picture Moment

Layla El Picture Moment

Heidi Cortez Picture Moment

Regina Moon Picture Moment