Tag Archives: enormous-boobs

Tila Tequila: I’m an Intelligent Pill Popper!

It’s sad, but true: Hollywood may be running out of attention-starved drug and/or alcohol addicts. As a result, another season of VH1’s Celebrity Rehab may not air. If it does, though, Tila Tequila is on board . Her inclusion in this exploitive, Dr. Drew-hosted series was announced earlier in the week, although no specific reason was given for Tila’s casting… … until now. Yesterday, Tequila started a series of messages on her official website by writing: “I KNOW I am an EXTREMELY smart girl, and to run all these empires when I am not even 30 yet, is quite an accomplishment, however I finally admitted to myself that I cannot rely on taking prescription pills everyday for the rest of my life!” Yes, in Tila’s mind, running a website that one can purchase from GoDaddy.com for $10.99 is considered an “empire.” While owning up to her addiction, Tila called out the celebrity gossip world’s most notorious party-hopper. She wrote: “I MUST not be another “ LINDSAY LOHAN ” where I just flush everything I worked so hard for down the toilet for nothing…” From there, Tequila asked us “haters” what we would do now that she’s “getting help.” We were stumped by that question, until Tequila added that she planned on spinning off Celebrity Rehab into her own, sober-based show that might also include a search for a new mate. Thank goodness, too. We were almost gonna give this professional headline-seeker props for actually placing concerns regarding her own health over plans for her career. Almost. Seriously, who invited Tila Tequila to the Maxim Hot 100 Party?

See more here:
Tila Tequila: I’m an Intelligent Pill Popper!

Kim Kardashian Owns Up to Botox

The rumors have followed her around for years, but Kim Kardashian has always been in denial. No, we’re not referring to the belief that this professional celebrity has no actual talent. Kim still won’t own up to that. But did she come clean to ABC’s Nightline yesterday, confirming that she’s undergone Botox injections. Kim claims “that’s the only thing I’ve done,” denying talk that her nose is fake. “What’s funny about my nose, it’s my biggest insecurity,” she told reporter Cynthia McFadden. “I went to the doctor, I had them take the pictures, he showed me what it would look like and it just didn’t – I wouldn’t look the same.” As for those enormous boobs? Kim has maintained they’ve always been huge , and actually delivered a funny line when asked about her famous cleavage again: “Trust me honey, if I take this bra off you will tell me I need to get them done.” Kourtney has had hers done. She was on hand for the Nightline special and said: “I have had breast implants, but it’s so funny ’cause it’s not a secret, I could care less.” Of course, all of this begs the question: What the heck was Nightline doing interviewing the Kardashians?!? Have we officially run out of real news to focus on?

Original post:
Kim Kardashian Owns Up to Botox