Tag Archives: enough-trouble

SMH: Did You Know That Black Students Are 5 Times More Likely To Be Suspended Over White Students? [Video]

“The Joys Of Being Black” Or “We Need To Get Our Mess In Order?” A federal report says black students are kicked out of school at a much higher rate than other students. NDN Continue reading

Shahs Of Sunset “Star” Says Kanye Paid Vogue For Kim’s Cover “This B**** Was Selling Clothes At Sears!” [Video]

Kim is pulling Kanye into reality TV beef already…smh According to TMZ reports : Reza Farahan from “Shahs of Sunset” just made Kanye West’s list — that’s what happens when you say Kim Kardashian would NEVER make it on the cover of Vogue … unless Kanye bought it for her. We asked Reza about Kim and Kanye’s new cover shot for the fashion bible … and he’s not convinced Kim deserves the honor, to say the least — “That’s a legit fashion magazine, and this bitch was selling her s*** at Sears.” LOL! Damn! Watch it for yourself below Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames. Yeezus bet’ not lay his healing hands on ol’ boy, he’s been in enough trouble as it is. Continue reading

Claudia Galanti Hotness Will Make You Happy

It’s been a while since I’ve done a post on Claudia Galanti here. See, I almost made her my new Internet girlfriend until she committed my one dealbreaker: getting photographed making out with her real boyfriend . It’s been long enough now that I’m able to forgive and forget though. Also, she’s looking smoking hot in these pictures. Just look at this dude checking her out. I bet the guy no longer needs Viagra. Fameflynet

The rest is here:
Claudia Galanti Hotness Will Make You Happy

Claudia Galanti Hotness Will Make You Happy

It’s been a while since I’ve done a post on Claudia Galanti here. See, I almost made her my new Internet girlfriend until she committed my one dealbreaker: getting photographed making out with her real boyfriend . It’s been long enough now that I’m able to forgive and forget though. Also, she’s looking smoking hot in these pictures. Just look at this dude checking her out. I bet the guy no longer needs Viagra. Fameflynet

The rest is here:
Claudia Galanti Hotness Will Make You Happy

Helen Flanagan Busts Out Big Time!

Because it’s Friday and there’s no better way to end the week than with pictures of a seriously busty model in a bikini and lingerie, here’s my current favorite blonde with giant funbags Helen Flanagan . I know that’s kind of specific, but when you’re a celebrity blogger like myself, you’ve got to be careful about playing favorites. I already have enough trouble convincing these hotties to come over for a personal photoshoot with the Tuna. I don’t want to limit my options. So in other words: call me, Helen.

Originally posted here:
Helen Flanagan Busts Out Big Time!