Willow Smith is showing off her bald dome once again. Earlier this month, the 11-year old daughter of Will and Jada shaved her head , posting a photo of Twitter with the simple caption: Dance your feelings out . Now, the singer is up to more of the same. She made the following picture live last night, giving us a look at her VERY short, blonde hair and including the message: Nerds rule . What do you think of the look?
Our bad, Selena Gomez. Along with almost every other media outlet, we mistakenly identified this singer’s new tattoo as a mini heart, even going so far as assuming it was chosen by the 19-year old in honor of boyfriend Justin Bieber. But Gomez cleared up the misconception last night. “It’s a music note,” she told Marc Malkin of E! News. “I was named after a singer and music obviously is a big influence for me. And there’s music stuff with my mom that means a lot to me, too.” Fair enough. And far more sensible than permanently marking your body in honor of a boy. Even if that boy is Justin Bieber .
The family of Whitney Houston is reacting to The National Enquirer posting a photo of that singer’s corpse as you might expect: with outrage and heartbreak. TMZ cites sources who say Whitney’s mother, Cissy, is especially distraught over the tabloid actually taking this measure, but there are no plans to open any kind of investigation into the source of this photo, which the newspaper has the nerve to refer to as ” beautiful .” Meanwhile, Carolyn Whigham, owner of the Whigham Funeral Home in Newark, tells The Daily News that neither she nor her staff had anything to do with the image or its leak. “We did not take that photo. We did not sell the photo. We would never do something like that,” she said to the newspaper . “Whitney was a friend. I’m the one who flew to Los Angeles and got Whitney from the coroner’s office. I did everything to protect her.”