Tag Archives: entire-careers

Abigail Clancy Is a Hard Nippled Disco Ball for Halloween of the Day

Abigail Clancy is some UK cokehead who was dating a footballer and who claims to be a lingerie model but I’ve never really heard much about her and I don’t really know much about her and I don’t really have anything to say about her other than that here she is dressed like a discoball and she isn’t wearing a bra because everyone knows that discoballs don’t wear bras and she likes to keep things authentic and by authentic I mean she likes to do anything for publicity, attention, fame and money…and it works for me…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Abigail Clancy Is a Hard Nippled Disco Ball for Halloween of the Day

Tila Tequila Got Off Her Computer for Once of the Day

It’s no secret that Tila Tequila is addicted to her computer and the internet. I like to think it is because the internet is what gave her a fake celebrity back when the suits at big media and entertainment companies were trying to tap into the internet and used the same logic they used their entire careers that the number of fans you have, or people who know about you, the more marketable your product is, when the reality is that on the internet, you can trick people into thinking you have a lot of fans and just because a motherfucker decided to accept you on myspace because you have a series of really slutty pictures it doesn’t mean they will buy your shit

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Tila Tequila Got Off Her Computer for Once of the Day