Tag Archives: entire-passage

Katt Williams Busted for Burglary

Filed under: Celebrity Justice Did you hear the one about the comedian who got arrested for allegedly breaking into someone’s home?Katt Williams was arrested early Monday morning in Georgia and is being held on charges of burglary and criminal trespassing. He’s being held in … Permalink

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Katt Williams Busted for Burglary

Carrie Prejean — Softcore Hypocrite?

Filed under: Carrie Prejean Carrie Prejean is shifting the blame for those topless modeling photos she took back in the day — now she claims our “culture” is the real problem … not just “the wind.”In her new “tell-all” book, Carrie dedicates an entire passage to bitch about … Permalink

Originally posted here:
Carrie Prejean — Softcore Hypocrite?