Tag Archives: erika-jordan

Skin Links 1.12.18

If  Jocelyn Binder  looks this hot in lingerie… ( Fleshbot ) Erika Jordan  nipples in wet white t-shirt  Taxi Driver Movie Lady Gaga  showing boffo cleavage in Barcelona  The Nip Slip Ashley Greene  aggressive cameltoe of the day  Drunken Stepfather Kimberley Garner  casual on vacation (header image)  Egotastic Lovely Liza strips off her skimpy lingerie  Egotastic All Stars Busty blonder beauty  Darina L  takes off her jeans  Boobie Blog Margot Robbie  wants to be a big time decision maker  WWTDD … read more

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Skin Links 1.12.18

Erika Jordan Jeans of the Day

I have a soft spot in my heart and in my pants because I am impotent even if I don’t want to be – for these fame whore – attention seekers…bottom feeders….pathetic women who are too old to master social media and who know how to sell bullshit photos to the paparazzi of them doing something wild and crazy… Her name is Erika Jordan, she’s done Playboy or some Playboy affiliate, and has figured the only way to really shine, to get her name out there, to get noticed, to be celebrated and respected as a person who doesn’t take herself too seriously, but actually takes herself very seriously because she’s willing to do this in the middle of the street in a “look at me I’m here”…in a pair of assless jeans designed to show off what fucking matters… She’s clearly old, washed up, and dressed like some 90s stripper turned music video star, when girls dressed like this…I feel like Christina Aguilera in the slut years, before the fat years, had a similar pair….you know the Whale Tail era of seduction….which works today, it’s a timeless classic that only some people can pull off because they are willing to try to pull it off as most people wouldn’t ever be caught dead in these ass pants…which is exactly why she’s a legend who deserves the world because she puts herself out there – the way she should put herself out there – ass first….because clearly everything else about her takes a back seat to how misguided she is…. Nice ass for an old lady though… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Erika Jordan Jeans of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Erika Jordan Jeans of the Day

TV Nudity Report: Californication, Spartacus, Shameless, Girls, Banshee, House of Lies, [PICS]

Our fevered hopes for the brand spanking new year are all coming true, because lucky ’13 is delivering the boob tube nudes fast and furious. Maggie Grace broke out her boobage for last week’s episode of Californication , and this week she’s offering up her heavenly heinie while stripping for a skinny-dip. The backburger shot may be the work of a body double, but former Lost star has castaway her clothes, and we hope she never finds them again! Spartacus is back with vengeance on Starz, and the premiere provided a peek at Ellen Hollman ’s aqueducts and ass during a great group sex scene. Plenty of reasons to grab hold of your family Julius! Shameless showed skin for the third week straight with Brazilian boobage from Stephanie Fantauzzi getting felt up in a car, and T&A from Emma Greenwell while getting her cabbage patch munched. Over on Girls , Lena Dunham directed herself to bare dainty dumplings again, this time while switching shirts in a nightclub, and Banshee provided the howlingly hot hoots of two blonde babes, Leslea Fisher and Erin Estelle McQuatters . Finally, House of Lies hired soft-core stars Erika Jordan , Christine Nguyen , and Tiffany Tynes to bare it all for a hotel room orgy. Christine even shows her House of Pies! See pics after the jump!

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TV Nudity Report: Californication, Spartacus, Shameless, Girls, Banshee, House of Lies, [PICS]