Tag Archives: eugene

Reruns of Seinfeld Could Prevent Conan From Signing With Fox

Before Conan O’B rien starts his 30-city nationwide tour tomorrow night in Eugene, Oregon, he better plan on giving a big hello to Mark Metzger. Who’s that? Well Metzger is the general manager and vice president of Eugene’s Fox affiliate, KLSR, and he’s just one of the people that could prevent Conan from becoming a late night television fixture once again.

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Reruns of Seinfeld Could Prevent Conan From Signing With Fox

"Drinking Fat"

This is a video of a man drinking a glass of fat.

Here is the original post:
"Drinking Fat"

Eugene Mirman Goes to Copenhagan

Eugene Mirman covers climate protests for Grist.org. “Get ready UN, you're about to feel the bite… of a drum circle.” Gotcha Media Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment