Tag Archives: even-further

Police Shouted Down at Portland Socialist Rally – Lawlessness Prevails (Video)


The rest is here:

The socialists held a rally on Friday in Portland, Oregon. They carried the usual “Sacrifice the rich” signs and chanted about democracy. When a police officer told the mob that they were holding an illegal protest, the socialists went berzerk … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 13/03/2011 20:48 Number of articles : 2

Police Shouted Down at Portland Socialist Rally – Lawlessness Prevails (Video)

Mercedes Brabus iBusiness: The Most Technology Stuffed Car Ever



A while ago I wrote about the most Applified Mercedez Benz ever customized, and there were a lot of people who really liked the experience of that car. That technology has been developed even further this year, and the same team that customized that Mercedes Benz has now taken on another project. It’s a Mercedez Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Bit Rebels Discovery Date : 13/03/2011 21:00 Number of articles : 2

Mercedes Brabus iBusiness: The Most Technology Stuffed Car Ever

How Big Brother’s New Twist Can Bring Back the Spirit of The Mole

Apparently if you renew a reality show for enough seasons, it starts to turn into other reality shows. Big Brother , the CBS summer series where housemates evict each other and compete in backyard stunts, is stealing an idea from ABC’ s deflated reality series The Mole and throwing a “saboteur” in the house who will pose as a player but will “disrupt the lives of fellow contestants” and “earn additional rewards as long as they go undiscovered, fulfilling fan-inspired tasks.” Should the network go even further in its Mole pilfering?

Read this article:
How Big Brother’s New Twist Can Bring Back the Spirit of The Mole