Tag Archives: even-interested

Phoebe Price Does the Pumpkin Patch of the Day

I am a fan of Pheobe Price. You probably don’t know who she is, but that’s ok because she’s not really anyone. She’s from the South, probably has money, moved to LA to either be famous or around the famous. She has friends who are paparazzi and figured out how to manipulate the media enough to get noticed by said paparazzi, for no reason other than to get in the media, and I just think I appreciate her level of shamelessness, the fact she isn’t even interested in a career, I mean she must be in her 40s or even 50s, and most importantly, that she just does this for her ego, to feel important… I mean, showing up to a paparazzi ridden pumpkin patch in a pants less costume – is next fucking level…and that why she needs to be an inspiration to us all..or at least to girls out there who think they need a marketable talent to get on the internet…you just need a willingness to not worry about being made fun of…and for that reason alone, I would never make fun of Phoebe Price…she does it for her own personal reasons and not to get ahead, and I’ll always support someone just being themselves…especially in this get ahead, suck dick, get famous world… There’s whoring, there is fame whoring, then there is Phoebe Price..who we don’t really know what she’s doing – but she’s doing it… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE (via DLISTED )

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Phoebe Price Does the Pumpkin Patch of the Day

Nicole Richie Pickin’ Her Whore Ass of the Day

I have had the unfortunate experience of hanging out with Nicole Richie for a night. It was back in the DJ AM days (RIP, motherfucker), when he invited me to attend a gig he was playing in town before anyone really knew who he was, after the crack addiction and gastric bipass but before The Simple Life, internationally known celebrity DJ…. I barely got into the event, the security were motherfuckers, they tour manager told me I was fat and that DJ AM wouldn’t know people like me, but for some reason someone stepped in and carted me around with Nicole Richie the whole night. I tried to steal her cellphone, I tried to make jokes about Lohan, It was like talking to a fucking useless, retarded troll who I wasn’t even interested in fucking and the whole experience wasn’t memorable, I just know she’s a bottom feeding loser first hand cuz I saw it, and I guess so did Lionel Richie when he felt forced to take her in and the Good Charlotte sister who knocked her up was just doing it cuz she was the only semi-famous pussy with no shame who would be into hanging with such a fucking clown. That said, I got her number years later, I called her and she told me off and changed her number. Then I followed her on twitter and she blocked me and got all her friends to block me too. So it is safe to say that she’s not a fan of me either. I always knew she had something shoved way up her ass, and not just an itch from bad hygiene, or Good Charlotte herpes, or underwear riding up her ass, or even a butt plug, but an actual object that is causing her pain and making her angry due to discomfort and I can only assume it is a crackpipe she shoved up there when she got arrested and here are some pics of her trying to get it out.

Nicole Richie Pickin’ Her Whore Ass of the Day