Tag Archives: even-learned

Jenna Dewan Tatum Does The Hateful Eight

Damn. We don’t get many pictures of  Jenna Dewan-Tatum these days, but after this outfit she wore to the Hateful Eight premiere, I’m hoping that changes. Because Jenna here has a ton of MILF potential. It’s not her fault she got knocked up by a male stripper. But luckily, I’m available for the holidays if Jenna needs a more parent-appropriate date. I think this might be one of the few times dating a blogger might actually be considered an upgrade. Call me! I even learned how to use cutlery, just in case. Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Guess Who Will Be The Villain In The Expendables Sequel?

Sylvester Stallone has joined the world of celebrity Twitterers and like so many outstanding examples in the field , has taken to it like a musclebound duck to water. And Sly’s even learned how to stoke the rumor mill by floating a potential villain for The Expendables sequel.

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Guess Who Will Be The Villain In The Expendables Sequel?