Yes, THGers: it does get cuter than a Golden Retriever puppy being spoon fed by its owner. But only when 222 Golden Retrievers mix and mingle in one place, as took place last month at the annual Guisachan Gathering. The event is is run by the Golden Retriever Club of Scotland and held at the ancestral home of this beloved breed. It started in 2006 in honor of the organization’s 50th anniversary and has grown in size since then from 188 golden guests to this year’s mark of well over 200. There’s a dog show, there’s dancing, there’s frolicking among humans and animals. But mostly there’s simply a chance to bask in the adorableness of what many consider to be the world’s best breed. They really do love their pets in Scotland, as just last week a quartet of kittens was rescued from an air conditioning vent in that country. It’s all rather AWWW-some if you ask us. Golden Retriever Gathering in Scotland
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Golden Retrievers Gather in Scotland, Set Record for International Cuteness