Tag Archives: eventual

The Scratching Shed | Blog | TSS 2010 World Cup Prediction League

Here you can enter your predictions for forthcoming games, and the eventual results will determine how many points you earn and where you stand in the league. I’ll post updates of the League alongside daily World Cup updates as the …

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Noah’s Ark Found!

A team of Chinese and Turkish archeologists reported that they have found strong evidence that the ruins located in Mount Ararat in modern day Turkey belong to the Noah’s Ark. This new development may shake the history of science, technology and religion. The archeologists have stated that they have carbon tested the wooden parts found buried under ground where the ruins are located and the woods date 4800 years back. The pieces of wood are found at an altitude of 4,000 meters. There has never been a discovery of civilization above 3,500 meters before. However, Yeung Wing-Cheung, a team member and a documentary producer from Hong Kong said : ” We are not 100% sure that these pieces belong to the Noah’s Ark, but we are 99,9% sure. This discovery is going to make a major change in many religious beliefs. We have only found bones of horses and we have counted a total of 1347 horses. We have not come accross any other animal bones so far”. He also added surprisingly that they have made an interesting discovery too, a marine engine label showing the power as 1347 hp, which is the exact number of horses they have counted in the ruins. The evidence has been sent to New York Archeology Musueum for further analysis. Marine Engine Label Found During The Excavations Hakan Osmanoglu, the team leader and professor at Istanbul University said they have also found a general arrangement plan showing 2 master bedroms, 6 guest rooms, a flybridge jacuzzi, a large galley, sauna and a theatre located in the decks of the ark. However, he stated that none of the furniture or appliances has been found as the area have been looted by the crusaders in the late 9th century. The research report will be made public in the following months when all the pieces are analyzed. We have been given the opportunity to read some of the drafts. The report argues the religious beliefs and re-writes the history of civilizations. Read More Here … http://www.gpexaminer.com/?p=101 added by: gpexaminer

Training Afghanistan’s Cops: Raw Video

U.S. troops in Lashkar Gah, the capital of southern Helmand province, were busy training Afghan police how to fire machineguns on Monday (April 26). A centrepiece of U.S. President Barack Obama's Afghanistan strategy is the training of Afghan security forces in order to facilitate the eventual withdrawal of NATO forces. Obama has said a U.S. troop withdrawal could begin from the middle of 2011, raising alarm bells among some in the Afghan political and military leadership, who fear being abandoned. “The purpose of training is that we want them… we have them lead all the missions. We want them to be able to shoot effectively and kill the enemy that attack,” Company Commander Sergeant First Class Jeremy Ellis said. Success depends on building capable and loyal Afghan forces, a difficult feat especially in the south, where many Afghan recruits quit due to poor pay and dangerous conditions. “There are lots of Taliban and drug smugglers in this area, they repeatedly attack our checkpoints, but we are using tactics that we have learned from these training sessions, we target the enemies and defeat them,” said Abdul Sattar Noorzai, commander of police quick reaction forces of Nahr-e-Saraj in Lashkar Gah. Obama announced last December he would be sending an extra 30,000 troops to Afghanistan to try and turn the tide in the eight-year-war. Apart from combat troops, thousands of army trainers and enablers such as air crew will also be arriving in the country. added by: ctv