Tag Archives: every-bubble

Andrea Sportono for Numero of the Day

Turns out that when a model – like this Andrea Spotorno – who I haven’t heard of but who is probably already rich from modelling because of her hard features, tall as fuck body, willingness to get naked and the whole not being fat thing – wears a bubble wrap shirt for a fashion magazine – and I can see her nipples – I get pretty happy. Maybe it is because bubble wrap was the only toy I got on Christmas, while the kids I was in the foster home with got actual toys, that came wrapped in bubble wrap…you know being the Mexican no one wanted and all…maybe Bubble wrap was my only childhood friend when I couldn’t speak the language….maybe popping each and every bubble released deep rooted hurt in my soul – like I was a cutter…or maybe I just like model tits… Either way, I wouldn’t notice her on the street other than to say “Look at the that tall skinny monster, I bet she’s a model”…but right now, right here…I am all about her little model tits. Boom.

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Andrea Sportono for Numero of the Day